Medical appointments and private Orthopedic and Spine Surgery in Bogotá Colombia
Virtual Appointments available
Orthopedist and traumatologist from the University of Rosario, through the Santa Fe de Bogotá Foundation program.
Spine surgeon from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Medical Doctor graduated physician from the prestigious National University of Colombia.
Currently, he conducts medical appointments and performs orthopedic and spine surgeries in the city of Bogotá Colombia privately, serving both Colombian and international patients.
If your are located outside Colombia, don’t hesitate in using our virtual appointment option. Follow these steps for your virtual consultation with Dr. Farfán
Our call-center team will help you schedule your appointment and will send payment instructions as well as a connection link.
Access the video call with Dr. Farfán through a secure platform. No downloads or apps instalation are required.
You can send your studies and reports to Dr. Farfán at prior to the virtual appointment.
Once your consultation is finished, you will receive prescriptions for medications and medical orders via WhatsApp or email.
Consider Spine and Orthopedic Surgery with us if you’ve delayed taking care of your body due to costs in your country. If you’re worried about traveling, rest assured that we’re here to address all your questions in advance.
We offer both virtual and in-office face-to-face appointments in Bogotá, Colombia. The cost of the first consultation is 60 USD.
Our service is completely private. However, after your procedure, you can request your medical records and surgical bill in case your insurance provides reimbursement options.
There are no real waiting lines. You and Doctor Farfan will decide when it is most suitable for you to have your surgery, according to your travel itinerary and surgery logistics.
Traveling to Bogotá, Colombia is safe. Our team will provide you with all the information and suggestions while in Bogotá to have the best possible experience.
According to the data provided by our patients, prices in Colombia are from 3 to 10 times lower than in the United States and Europe.
You can consult with Dr. Farfán to determine the best hospital for your procedure. Some available institutions include Clínica del Country, Los Cobos Medical Center, Clínica Los Nogales, Clínica VIP Axa Colpatria, Clínica de la Mujer, and Clínica Mediport.
Affter you have booked your surgery, our team will provide you with information on how to pay the deposit, which is 50% of the total cost. No other payments are required in advance. The remaining 50% of the cost should be paid up to three working days before your scheduled surgery.
Alta especialidad en cirugía de Columna U. Nacional Autónoma de México
Médico traumatólogo Ortopedista
Universidad Nacional, Universidad el Rosario